Tag Archives: road safety


Part of the case for 20mph is that if you’re on foot and hit, you’re less likely to be killed. So it’s OK if you survive with a broken body, is it? Is it beyond the wit of government to … Continue reading

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Dysfunctional rules of the road

On Desert Island Discs (24.3.24), we heard that Professor Alice Roberts was hit by car in her home town of Bristol. She wondered if her “accident” had any bearing on the decision to pedestrianise the street. To me it’s a … Continue reading

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Apathy at BH?

I’ve whinged before about the failure of the BBC to respond to my attempts to air the ideas expounded here. I just came across an email I sent Radio 4’s Today Programme on 4.2.22. Like countless others, it didn’t even … Continue reading

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Safety last

Safety features in cars are an admission that collisions are inevitable and conflict is the norm. But if roads were designed for coexistence instead of competition, and we had a worthwhile driving test, conflict would disappear and we’d go without … Continue reading

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Crying Wolf

Rounding the first hairpin on the way down to Combe Martin, I saw a black Audi A1 crashed into the side of the gorge. Three guys were standing in semi-shock, one on his phone. Front end was trashed, bootlid up, … Continue reading

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Demands for a public inquiry

Michael Rosen is demanding a public enquiry into the government’s handling of Covid-19. “We desperately need an inquiry into how and why this lethal idea [alleged experimenting with herd immunity without vaccination] was taken seriously. We owe it to the dead … Continue reading

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Manslaughter charges at last?

In an earlier post I wrote that pigs would fly before Highways England faced manslaughter charges for opening hard shoulders to motorway traffic without proper precautions. It’s promising that South Yorkshire coroner, Nicola Mundy, is referring the case of Nargis … Continue reading

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Hit by a bus

The phrase, “You could be killed crossing the road” is a thoughtlessly-repeated phrase, e.g. the other day on The Today Programme by Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty (10.1. 2021, I think it was). Making some parallel with the risk of … Continue reading

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Moronic traffic regulation

Traffic regulation is devised by morons for fellow morons as well as bright people. Speed limits and traffic lights require total obedience. They brook no argument if you exercise discretion (e.g. creep across a deserted junction or accelerate briefly to … Continue reading

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Lights or phones more dangerous?

Officialdom justifies draconian new measures against mobile phone use by casualty figures where phone use has played a part. But those figures are much lower than “accidents” at traffic lights. According to this BBC news  briefing, in 2019, there were … Continue reading

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