Tag Archives: corporate manslaughter

Ministerial mess – corporate manslaughter

Updated in July 2024, the DfT’s accredited “accident” statistics reveal that 29,643 human beings were killed or seriously injured in 2023. It’s an estimate of the number of personal injury road traffic casualties in Great Britain reported by the police … Continue reading

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“Accidents” and corporate manslaughter

One of my sayings is, “Most accidents are not accidents. They are events contrived by the rules and design of the road.” Recent fatal “accidents” in Wales involving teenage men prompt me to add “an inadequate driving test.” It’s absurd … Continue reading

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Corporate manslaughter?

Medics have called for hospital managers who ignored their warnings about Lucy Letby to face corporate manslaughter charges. Just as, in these pages, I have suggested that traffic managers and ministers should face such charges. Despite my analysis, reform proposals … Continue reading

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Abusive traffic policy

Just as the exposure of abuse in the Church must bring penitence and reparation, says Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, so the perpetrators of the traffic system, which causes untold injustice and harm, then blames you and me for the … Continue reading

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Abuse Part 94

Interminable airtime is given over to child sexual abuse, but despite endless pitches to the Today Programme and other media outlets, state abuse involving over 20,000 avoidable deaths and life-changing injuries on our roads, annually, don’t get a look-in.

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Agency abuse

More negligence in traffic policy emerged with the news that in the last five years, 38 avoidable deaths have occurred on the hard shoulder, or emergency lane, of “smart” motorways. An increase in capacity should not entail an increase in … Continue reading

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State-sponsored child abuse?

A boy of 11 is killed trying to cross the road. Was it an accident? Or was it an avoidable event contrived by the rules of the road, combined with the power imbalance the rules impose, and the mindset they instil? … Continue reading

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Corporate manslaughter

It’s well-known that dirty urban air causes lung, heart and developmental damage, but increasingly it’s being linked to brain damage. The Times didn’t break the news but covered it on 19 September under the front page headline, “Dementia soars in … Continue reading

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Corporate manslaughter by Parliament and Camden Council

Let it not be forgotten that MPs introduce the legislation that supports the extortion racket that promotes this unspeakable intimidation. England prides itself on being a democratic country, but in matters of parking and traffic control, it might as well be … Continue reading

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Corporate manslaughter

There is increasing evidence that traffic fumes cause heart disease, respiratory disease, strokes, neurodegenerative conditions, early death, and now dementia. Ten years ago, in No Idle Matter, I wrote that traffic control multiplies harmful emissions by a factor of four. Engineering lecturer at … Continue reading

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